Brighton Fibre company logo and illustration
I was approached by the team at Brighton Fibre to create a bunch of  illustrations to boost their branding and wrap around their newest street team van. I developed over 50 characters all with a Brighton and Hove focus including the i360, a fairground helter skelter and carousel horse, seagulls, dolphins, spraycan's and dancing hotdogs. 
These illustrations will be used across sticker packs, floor decals, social media and promo gear. However they are best spotted plastered all over their street team van set amongst a background of connecting fibre wires. Keep your eyes peeled on the streets, you can't miss it!
Photo of Brighton Fibre's street team van. The van is wrapped in colourful character illustrations, with A Brighton and Hove theme,  designed by Chloe Studios.
Photo of Brighton Fibre's street team van. The van is wrapped in colourful character illustrations, with A Brighton and Hove theme,  designed by Chloe Studios.
Character design illustrations for Brighton Fibre. Including  a hotdog, helter-skelter and banana character.
Character design illustrations for Brighton Fibre. Including  a surfing shark, seagull, dolphin and spray can character.
Character design illustrations for Brighton Fibre. Including the i360, lemon, surfing wolf and traffic cone character.
Character design illustrations for Brighton Fibre. Including a lucky clover, flower, pizza and ice-cream character.
Character design illustrations for Brighton Fibre. Including a wind farm, mini golf, carousel and rain cloudcharacter.
Pink dolphin cartoon illustration
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